Source code for msml.exporter.base

# region gplv3preamble
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow
# MSML has been developed in the framework of 'SFB TRR 125 Cognition-Guided Surgery'
# If you use this software in academic work, please cite the paper:
# S. Suwelack, M. Stoll, S. Schalck, N.Schoch, R. Dillmann, R. Bendl, V. Heuveline and S. Speidel,
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow,
# Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) 2014
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 see Authors.txt
# If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# endregion

__author__ = 'Alexander Weigl'

from ..model import *
from ..exceptions import *

import msml.sortdef

from .. import log

from .features import get_needed_features
class ExporterOutputVariable(MSMLVariable):

[docs]class Exporter(object): def __init__(self, msml_file): """Create a new exporter instance. This exporter is the base for your exporter developments and can be used as an NOOP-Exporter. If you derive this class, you should call :py:func:`self.initialize(...)` """ assert isinstance(msml_file, MSMLFile) self.initialize(msml_file)
[docs] def initialize(self, msml_file, name = "base", output_type_of_elements = None, features = frozenset(), mesh_sort = ("VTK", "Mesh")): """Call this in derived classes for initializing the input, output and arguments structures. :param msml_file: the given msml in the constructor :type msml_file: msml.model.base.MSMLFile :param name: a name for your exporter :type name: str :param output_type_of_elements: a dictionary of dictionaries for every element and parameter :type output_type_of_elements: dict[str, dict[str, msml.sorts.Sort]] :param features: a list of string with supported features :type features: set :param mesh_sort: a tuple of (physical, logical) type name :type mesh_sort: tuple[str, str] :return: """ self._datamodel = None self._msml_file = msml_file = name self._output_types_of_elements = output_type_of_elements = "__exporter__" self.mesh_sort = mesh_sort """The physical and logical sort of the input mesh""" self._output = {} """Output slots (meta data) :type dict[str, Slot]""" self._input = {} """Input slots (meta data) :type dict[str, Slot]""" self._attributes = {} """Attribute values for input slots, in the manner bunny_mesh_1 = "${bunnyVolumeMesher.mesh}" :type dict[str,str]""" self.arguments = {} """stores the References to the input values :type dict[str,Reference] :see """ self._features = features """Set of supported features from this exporter :see :py:meth:`Exporter.match_features` :type set[str] """ self.gather_output() self.gather_inputs()
@property def features(self): return self._features @features.setter def features(self, value): self._features = value
[docs] def lookup(self, ref, outarg): assert isinstance(ref, Reference) obj = ref.task slot = ref.slot for scene_object in self._msml_file.scene: assert isinstance(scene_object, SceneObject) for o in scene_object.output: assert isinstance(o, ObjectElement) if == obj: # TODO define type/Format of this output return self, ExporterOutputVariable(obj, physical=msml.sortdef.VTK)
[docs] def gather_output(self): """finds all variables that is provided by the exporter :param msmlfile: msml.model.base.MSMLFile :return: list of MSMLVariables """ self._output = {} for obj in self._msml_file.scene: for out in obj.output: tag = out.attributes['__tag__'] id = out.attributes['id'] fmt = object typ = object if self._output_types_of_elements and \ tag in self._output_types_of_elements: typ, fmt = self._output_types_of_elements[tag] v = ExporterOutputVariable(id, fmt, typ) self._output[id] = v
[docs] def gather_inputs(self): '''find all references needed by this exporter from workflow :param msml_file: msml.model.base.MSMLFile :return: ''' def register_object_sets(): for ig in (scene_obj.sets.nodes + scene_obj.sets.elements + scene_obj.sets.surfaces): name = self.get_input_set_name(ig) self._input[name] = Slot(name, '', 'Indices', parent=self) self._attributes[name] = parse_attribute_value(ig.indices) def register_material(): for mr in scene_obj.material: ind = mr.indices name = self.get_input_material_name(mr) self._input[name] = Slot(name, '', parent=self) self._attributes[name] = parse_attribute_value(ind) for material in mr: assert isinstance(material, ObjectElement) for para in material.meta.parameters.values(): assert isinstance(para, Slot) name = self.get_input_objectelement_name(material, para) self._input[name] = Slot(name, para.physical_type, parent=self) self._attributes[name] = parse_attribute_value(material.attributes[]) log.debug("register %s as input value of material", name) def register_constraints(): for cs in scene_obj.constraints: for const in cs.constraints: assert isinstance(const, ObjectElement) if const.meta is None: log.error("Element 'const.tag' does not have meta information set. This happens, if this element is not define in the alphabet") continue for para in const.meta.parameters.values(): assert isinstance(para, Slot) try: value = const.attributes[] except KeyError: #look for default value, if it is an optional argument, there should be a default value if(para.default is not None): value = para.default #non optional argument or no default value => error else: raise MSMLError("parameter %s of constraint %s has not proper value" % (, name = self.get_input_objectelement_name(const, para) self._input[name] = Slot(name, para.physical_type, parent=self) self._attributes[name] = parse_attribute_value(value) log.debug("register %s as input value of material", name) for scene_obj in self._msml_file.scene: assert isinstance(scene_obj, SceneObject) #daniel: for multi mesh support #cat object id and 'mesh-string to get a unique id in exporter (object id is unique??) mesh_exporter_id = self.get_input_mesh_name(scene_obj.mesh) self._input[mesh_exporter_id] = Slot(mesh_exporter_id, self.mesh_sort[0], self.mesh_sort[1], required=True, parent=self) self._attributes[mesh_exporter_id] = parse_attribute_value(scene_obj.mesh.mesh) #daniel: for contact modelling #check if there is a contact surface, true generate slot for surface if(scene_obj.hasContactGeometry): contact_surface_id = ( + '_surface') self._input[contact_surface_id] = Slot(contact_surface_id,"vtk") self._attributes[contact_surface_id] = parse_attribute_value(scene_obj.contactGeometry.value) register_object_sets() register_material() register_constraints()
[docs] def get_input_objectelement_name(self, objectelement, parameter): """generates the slot name for an objectelement :param objectelement: ObjectElement :type objectelement: msml.model.base.ObjectElement :param parameter: the slot of the given object element :type parameter: msml.model.alphabet.Slot :return: """ if hasattr(parameter, "name"): n = else: n = parameter return "%s_%s" % (, n)
[docs] def get_input_mesh_name(self, mesh): """ generates the name for an output request within an object declaration :param mesh: :type msml.model.base.Mesh :return: :rtype str """ #daniel: for multi mesh support return
[docs] def get_input_set_name(self, setelement): """the input slot name for the given setelement :param setelement: :type setelement: IndexGroup :return: :type str """ return 'sets_%s' %
[docs] def get_input_material_name(self, region): """ :param region: :type region: MaterialRegion :rtype str :return: a name for the indices input slot for the given material region """ return 'mr_%s_indexgroup' %
[docs] def get_input_constraint_name(self, const): """generates the input for a given :py:class:`OAConstraint` :param const: :type msml.model.OAConstraint :return: """ return "constraint_%s" %
def _match_features(self): needed = get_needed_features(self._msml_file) match = needed <= self.features if match:"every features is supported by current exporter") else: log.error("some features are not supported by exporter") log.error("-- msml_file: %s", needed) log.error("-- supported: %s", self.features) log.error("-- not matched: %s", needed - self.features) return match
[docs] def init_exec(self, executer): """ initialization by the executor, sets memory and executor member :param executer: :return: """ self._executer = executer self._memory = self._executer._memory """:type"""
[docs] def render(self): """ Builds the File (XML e.g) for the external tool """ pass
[docs] def execute(self): "should execute the external tool and set the memory" pass
[docs] def evaluate_node(self, expression): if ((expression[0:2] == '${') & (expression[-1] == '}') ): # in this case, get value from workflow data = self._memory._internal for seg in expression[2:-1].split("."): data = data[seg] return data else: return expression # every reference should be full, commented out from weigl # if isinstance(resultNode, basestring): # resultExpression = resultNode # else: # resultExpression = resultNode[resultNode.keys()[0]]
[docs] def get_value_from_memory(self, reference, parameter=None): """ :param reference: :return: """ if isinstance(reference, str): return self.get_value_from_memory(self.arguments[reference]) elif isinstance(reference, Mesh): return self.get_value_from_memory(self.get_input_mesh_name(reference)) elif isinstance(reference, MaterialRegion): return self.get_value_from_memory(self.get_input_material_name(reference)) elif isinstance(reference, IndexGroup): return self.get_value_from_memory(self.get_input_set_name(reference)) elif isinstance(reference, ObjectElement): return self.get_value_from_memory(self.get_input_objectelement_name(reference, parameter)) elif isinstance(reference, Reference): return self._memory.lookup(reference) else: raise MSMLException("no suitable reference was given (%s)" % reference)
@property def datamodel(self): if not self._datamodel: self._datamodel = self.generate_data_model() return self._datamodel
[docs] def generate_data_model(self): def _scene(sceneobject): """ :param scene: an object from the scene :type scene: msml.model.base.SceneObject :return: a scene object with references solved """ ns = SceneObject(, _mesh(sceneobject.mesh), _scene_sets(sceneobject.sets), map(_region, sceneobject.material), map(_constraint, sceneobject.constraints) ) return ns def _scene_sets(sets): assert isinstance(sets, SceneObjectSets) def _resolve(indexgroup): assert isinstance(indexgroup, IndexGroup) ig = IndexGroup(, self.get_value_from_memory(indexgroup)) return ig _map_resolve = lambda seq: map(_resolve, seq) ns = SceneObjectSets( _map_resolve(sets.elements), _map_resolve(sets.nodes), _map_resolve(sets.surfaces), ) return ns def _mesh(mesh): assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh) return Mesh(,, self.get_value_from_memory(mesh)) def _object_element(objectelement): assert isinstance(objectelement, ObjectElement) attrib = objectelement.attributes objectelement.meta values = {k: self.get_value_from_memory(objectelement, k) for k in objectelement.meta.parameters} return ObjectElement(values, objectelement.meta) def _region(materialregion): assert isinstance(materialregion, MaterialRegion) return MaterialRegion(, self.get_value_from_memory(materialregion), map(_object_element, materialregion)) def _constraint(objectconstraints): assert isinstance(objectconstraints, ObjectConstraints) oc = ObjectConstraints(, objectconstraints.for_step) oc.constraints = map(_object_element, objectconstraints.constraints) return oc return map(_scene, self._msml_file.scene)
class XMLExporter(Exporter): pass