Source code for msml.exporter.hiflow3

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# region gplv3preamble
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow
# MSML has been developed in the framework of 'SFB TRR 125 Cognition-Guided Surgery'
# If you use this software in academic work, please cite the paper:
# S. Suwelack, M. Stoll, S. Schalck, N.Schoch, R. Dillmann, R. Bendl, V. Heuveline and S. Speidel,
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow,
# Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) 2014
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 see Authors.txt
# If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# endregion

__authors__ = 'Nicolai Schoch, Alexander Weigl <>'
__license__ = 'GPLv3'

import os

import jinja2

from msml.model import *
from msml.exceptions import *
import msml.ext.misc

class MSMLHiFlow3ExporterWarning(MSMLWarning): pass

from .. import log

from path import path
from collections import namedtuple
from ..base import Exporter

jinja_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(path(__file__).dirname()))

SCENE_TEMPLATE = jinja_env.get_template("hiflow_scene.tpl.xml")
BCDATA_TEMPLATE = jinja_env.get_template("hiflow_bcdata.tpl.xml")

class BcData(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fc = BcDataEntry() # fixed dirichlet constraint
        self.dc = BcDataEntry() # displacement dirichlet constraint
        self.fp = BcDataEntry() # force/pressure neumann constraint

class BcDataEntry(object):
    """Holds the data for a Fixed/Displacement (Dirichlet) constraint or Pressure/Force (Neumann) constraint in the bcdata file.


    def __init__(self):
        self._num = 0
        self._points = []
        self._vectors = []

    def is_valid(self):
        """asserts, that the amount of points and vectors are dividable by 3
           and correct to the given number of points

        :raises: Assertion, if data structure is wrong.
        :return: None
        div3 = lambda x: len(x) % 3 == 0

        assert div3(self._points)
        assert div3(self._vectors)

        assert self._num * 3 == len(self._points)
        assert self._num * 3 == len(self._vectors)

    def append(self, count, points, vectors):
        """Appends the given `points` with `vectors` to the constraint.

        * length of points has to be dividable by 3
        * length of vectors has to be dividable by 3
        * if vectors just holds three components it is repeated
          to the correct amount given by `count`

        * each component of points and vectors is casted to float

        :param count: amount of points
        :param points: a list of points (3*count == len(points)
        :type points: list
        :param vectors: a list of points (3*count == len(points)
        :type list: list

        :return: None
        as_float = lambda seq: map(float, seq)

        points = as_float(points)
        vectors = as_float(vectors)

        if len(vectors) == 3:
            # a single vector is given
            vectors = vectors * count

        self._num += count
        self._points += points
        self._vectors += vectors


    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s.%s(%s, %s, %s)" % (
            self.__module__, type(self).__name__,
            repr(self.num), repr(self._points), repr(self._vectors)

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s.%s num: %d >" % (self.__module__, type(self).__name__, self._num)

    def num(self):
        return self._num

    def points(self):
        return list_to_hf3(self._points)

    def vectors(self):
        return list_to_hf3(self._vectors)

# namedtuple(...) dynamically creates a class -> class constructor.
Entry = namedtuple("Entry", "mesh bcdata")

# Hiflow3-supported features

HIFLOW_FEATURES = frozenset(
    ['object_element_displacement_supported', 'output_supported', 'object_element_mass_supported',
     'scene_objects_supported', 'constraints_supported', 'env_processingunit_CPU_supported',
     'material_region_supported', 'env_linearsolver_iterativeCG_supported', 'env_preconditioner_None_supported',
     'object_element_linearElasticMaterial_supported', 'sets_elements_supported', 'sets_nodes_supported',
     'sets_surface_supported', 'environment_simulation_steps_supported', 'object_element_fixedConstraint_supported',
     'env_timeintegration_dynamicImplicitEuler_supported']) # NOTE: ask Alexander: anything from new stuff to be added here?!

[docs]class HiFlow3Exporter(Exporter): """Exporter for `hiflow3 <>`_ .. todo:: What does this exporter support? - See GitHub issue n73. """ def __init__(self, msml_file): """ :param msml_file: :type msml_file: MSMLFile """ = 'HiFlow3Exporter' self.initialize( msml_file=msml_file, mesh_sort=('VTU', 'Mesh'), features=HIFLOW_FEATURES, )
[docs] def render(self): """ Builds the File (XML e.g) for the external tool """ filename = self._msml_file.filename.namebase"Converting to HiFlow3 input formats")" -- (hiflow3Scene.xml-file & vtkMesh.vtu-file & hiflow3BCdata.xml-file).") self.create_scenes()"Hiflow3 Scene Files: %s" % ', '.join(self.scenes))
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute `runHiFlow3` """ import msml.envconfig import os try: os.makedirs("SimResults") except: pass for scenefile in self.scenes: cmd = "%s %s" % (msml.envconfig.HIFLOW_EXECUTABLE, scenefile)"Executing HiFlow3: %s" % cmd) os.system(cmd)
[docs] def create_scenes(self): """ :param hf3xmlfile: :type hf3xmlfile: file :return: """ self.scenes = list() for msmlObject in self._msml_file.scene: assert isinstance(msmlObject, SceneObject) meshFilename = self.get_value_from_memory(msmlObject.mesh) hf3_filename = '%s_%s_hf3.xml' % (self._msml_file.filename.namebase, # only take the first bc_filename = self.create_bcdata_files(msmlObject)[0] self.scenes.append(hf3_filename) class HF3MaterialModel(object): def __init__(self):, self.lamelambda, self.lamemu, self.gravity, self.density = [None] * 5 hiflow_material_models = [] # get and compute elasticity constants (i.e. material parameters): # therefore, iterate over "material" and "material's region" # (compare to: NewSofaExporter.createMaterialRegion().) for c, matregion in enumerate(msmlObject.material): hiflow_model = HF3MaterialModel() hiflow_material_models.append(hiflow_model) = c assert isinstance(matregion, MaterialRegion) indices = self.get_value_from_memory(matregion) # TODO: setup representation of for scenarios # where bounding boxes cannot bound material regions. # TODO: build example/test inp-file with correct material region id # (i.e.: for every point in indices). for material in matregion: if 'linearElasticMaterial' == material.attributes['__tag__']: E = float(material.attributes["youngModulus"]) NU = float(material.attributes["poissonRatio"]) hiflow_model.lamelambda = (E * NU) / ((1 + NU) * (1 - 2 * NU)) hiflow_model.lamemu = E / (2 * (1 + NU)) hiflow_model.gravity = -9.81 if 'mass' == material.attributes['__tag__']: hiflow_model.density = material.attributes['massDensity'] maxtimestep = self._msml_file.env.simulation[0].iterations if maxtimestep > 1: SolveInstationary = 1 else: SolveInstationary = 0 #print os.path.abspath(hf3_filename), "!!!!!!" with open(hf3_filename, 'w') as fp: content = SCENE_TEMPLATE.render( hiflow_material_models=hiflow_material_models, # template arguments meshfilename=meshFilename, bcdatafilename=bc_filename, solverPlatform=self._msml_file.env.solver.processingUnit, numParaProcCPU=self._msml_file.env.solver.numParallelProcessesOnCPU, hf3_chanceOfContact=self._msml_file.env.solver.hf3_chanceOfContactBoolean, SolveInstationary=SolveInstationary, DeltaT=self._msml_file.env.simulation[0].dt, maxtimestep=maxtimestep, linsolver=self._msml_file.env.solver.linearSolver, precond=self._msml_file.env.solver.preconditioner, timeIntegrationMethod=self._msml_file.env.solver.timeIntegration, RayleighRatioMass=self._msml_file.env.solver.dampingRayleighRatioMass, RayleighRatioStiffness=self._msml_file.env.solver.dampingRayleighRatioStiffness # # TODO: include mvGeometryAnalytics-Info (computed in MSML pipeline) here. # <NeumannBC_upperMVcenterPoint>{84.0, 93.0, 160.0}</NeumannBC_upperMVcenterPoint> <!-- TODO implement this flexibly! --> # <NeumannBC_avAnnulusRingRadius>23.0</NeumannBC_avAnnulusRingRadius> <!-- TODO implement this flexibly! --> # # Note: in future there may be more arguments, such as RefinementLevels, lin/quadElements, ... # The currently chosen sets of flexible and fixed parameters in HiFlow3Scene.xml-files represent a maximally general optimal setting. ) fp.write(content)
[docs] def create_bcdata_files(self, obj): """creates all bcdata files for all declared steps in `msml/env/simulation` :param obj: scene object :type obj: msml.model.base.SceneObject :return: """ def create(): for step in self._msml_file.env.simulation: filename = '%s_%s_%s.bc.xml' % (self._msml_file.filename.namebase,, data = self.create_bcdata(obj, content = BCDATA_TEMPLATE.render(data = data) with open(filename, 'w') as h: h.write(content) yield filename return list(create())
[docs] def create_bcdata(self, obj, step): """ :param obj: :type obj: msml.model.base.SceneObject :type step: msml.model.base.MSMLEnvironment.Simulation.Step :return: a object of BcData :rtype: BcData """ bcdata = BcData() # find the constraints for the given step for cs in obj.constraints: if cs.for_step == step or cs.for_step == "${%s}" % step: break else: cs = None if cs is None: # nothing to do here log.warn("No constraint region found for step %s" % step) return bcdata mesh_name = self.get_value_from_memory(obj.mesh) for constraint in cs.constraints: indices = self.get_value_from_memory(constraint, "indices") points = msml.ext.misc.PositionFromIndices(mesh_name, tuple((map(int, indices))), 'points') count = len(points) / 3 points_str = list_to_hf3(points) # TODO: adapt this for non-box-able indices/vertices/facets/cells. if constraint.tag == "fixedConstraint": bcdata.fc.append(count, points, [0, 0, 0]) elif constraint.tag == "displacementConstraint": disp_vector = constraint.displacement.split(" ") bcdata.dc.append(count, points, disp_vector) elif constraint.tag == "surfacePressure": # TODO?! - would this need to be adapted?! force_vector = constraint.pressure.split(" ") bcdata.fp.append(count, points, force_vector) return bcdata
def count_vector(vec, count): assert len(vec) == 3 vec = map(lambda x: "%0.15f" % float(x), vec) return ";".join(count * [",".join(vec)]) def list_to_hf3(seq): """transfers a seq of values into a string for hiflow3. :param seq: a sequence (iterable) of value (int, float, ...) :rtype: str >>> points = map(float, [1,2,3]*3) >>> list_to_hf3(points) "1.0,2.0,3.0;1.0,2.0,3.0;1.0,2.0,3.0" """ from cStringIO import StringIO s = StringIO() for i, p in enumerate(seq, 1): s.write("%0.15f" % float(p)) if i % 3 == 0 and i != 1: s.write(";") else: s.write(",") s = s.getvalue()[:-1] assert s.count(';') + 1 == len(seq) / 3 return s