Source code for

# region gplv3preamble
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow
# MSML has been developed in the framework of 'SFB TRR 125 Cognition-Guided Surgery'
# If you use this software in academic work, please cite the paper:
# S. Suwelack, M. Stoll, S. Schalck, N.Schoch, R. Dillmann, R. Bendl, V. Heuveline and S. Speidel,
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow,
# Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) 2014
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 see Authors.txt
# If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# endregion

"""This class summaries functions for executing the pipeline.


__author__ = "Alexander Weigl"
__date__ = "2014-01-26"

import abc

from path import path

from .memory import Memory
from .GraphDotWriter import GraphDotWriter
from ..model import *
from ..generators import generate_task_id
from ..exporter import Exporter
from ..exceptions import *
from .. import log
from ..sorts import conversion
import msml.sortdef
from .reruncheck import ReRunCheck

__all__ = ['Executor', 'Memory',
           'build_graph', 'create_conversion_task',
           'get_python_conversion_operator', 'initialize_file_literals',
           'GraphDotWriter', 'DefaultGraphBuilder',
           # 'MemoryError', 'MemoryTypeMismatchError',

[docs]class Executor(object): """Describes the interface of an Executer. An Executer is responsible for calling the operator with the right arguments and parameters in the right order. Additionally it invokes the :py:class:`msml.exporter.Exporter`. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, msmlfile): self._msmlfile = msmlfile self._options = None @property def options(self): return self._options @options.setter def options(self, value): self._options = value @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def run(self): pass
[docs] def init_memory(self, content): pass
class AbstractExecutor(Executor): def __init__(self, msmlfile): super(AbstractExecutor, self).__init__(msmlfile) self._memory = Memory() self._exporter = self._msmlfile.exporter self.working_dir = None def init_memory(self, content): if isinstance(content, str): self._memory.reset() self._memory.load_memory_file(content) elif isinstance(content, dict): self._memory._internal.update(content) elif content: log.fatal("init_memory handles only filenames") def define_var(self, name, value=None): """defines a variable in the current memory. Args: name (str): variable identifier value (object): any value of variable """ if name not in self._memory: # do not override self._memory[name] = value
[docs]class LinearSequenceExecutor(AbstractExecutor): """ The LinearSequenceExecuter executes the given MSMLFile in one sequence with no parallelism in topological order. """ def _prepare(self): """prepares the exeuction of the workflow. * bulding dag * initialize file literals * changing into working dir :return: the buckets to be executed """ dag = DefaultGraphBuilder(self._msmlfile, self._exporter).dag buckets = dag.toporder() # make absolute paths for every string/file literal # wd is msml file dirname initialize_file_literals(buckets[0]) #if there is no working dir, infer one if self.working_dir is None: self.working_dir = "out_" + self._msmlfile.filename.namebase # change to output_dir if self.working_dir: wd = path(self.working_dir) try: wd.mkdir() except: pass finally: wd.chdir() return buckets
[docs] def run(self): """starts the execution of the given MSMLFile """ buckets = self._prepare() with ReRunCheck(path(".")) as self.rerun_check: for bucket in buckets: for node in bucket: if isinstance(node, Task): self._execute_operator_task(node) elif isinstance(node, MSMLVariable): self._execute_variable(node) elif isinstance(node, Exporter): self._execute_exporter(node) return self._memory
def _execute_exporter(self, node): ExecutorsHelper.render_exporter(self, self._exporter) update = ExecutorsHelper.execute_exporter(self._exporter) self._memory.update(update) def _execute_variable(self, node):"Define variable %s := %r" % (, node.value)) self._memory.update( ExecutorsHelper.execute_variable(self._memory, node)) def _execute_operator_task(self, task): new = ExecutorsHelper.execute_operator_task(self._memory, task) #new = ExecutorsHelper.execute_operator_task(self.rerun_check, self._memory, task) self._memory.update(new)
class PhaseExecutor(LinearSequenceExecutor): """ PhaseExecutor works similar to :py:class:`LinearSequenceExecutor`, but provides more control over the phases of pre-, postprocessing, render and execution of the exporter. **Options:** :PE.disable.variable: deactivates the execution of variable bucket :PE.disable.pre: deactivates the execution of preprocessing :PE.disable.sim: deactivates the rendering and execution of exporter (no output would be generated) :PE.disable.simexec: deactivates the execution of exporter deactivates the execution of postprocessing """ def __init__(self, msmlfile): super(PhaseExecutor, self).__init__(msmlfile) self.pre_bucket = list() self.var_bucket = list() self.sim_bucket = list() self.post_bucket = list() self._prepared = False def _prepare(self): buckets = super(PhaseExecutor, self)._prepare() self.pre_bucket = [] self.post_bucket=[] self.sim_bucket=[] is_pre = True for bucket in buckets: for node in bucket: if isinstance(node, Task): if is_pre: self.pre_bucket.append(node) else: self.post_bucket.append(node) elif isinstance(node, MSMLVariable): self.var_bucket.append(node) elif isinstance(node, Exporter): self.sim_bucket.append(node) is_pre = False return buckets def run(self): """starts the execution of the given MSMLFile """ self._prepare() if not bool(self.options.get('PE.disable.variable', False)): for node in self.var_bucket: self._execute_variable(node) if not bool(self.options.get('PE.disable.pre', False)): for node in self.pre_bucket: self._execute_operator_task(node) if not bool(self.options.get('PE.disable.sim', False)): for node in self.sim_bucket: self._execute_exporter(node) if not bool(self.options.get('', False)): for node in self.post_bucket: self._execute_operator_task(node) return self._memory def update_variable(self, name, value):"Update variable %s := %r" % (name, value)) var = MSMLVariable(name, value=value) self._memory.update( ExecutorsHelper.execute_variable(self._memory, var, True)) def _execute_operator_task(self, task): new = ExecutorsHelper.execute_operator_task(self._memory, task) self._memory.update(new) def _execute_exporter(self, node): ExecutorsHelper.render_exporter(self, self._exporter) if not bool(self.options.get('PE.disable.simexec', False)): update = ExecutorsHelper.execute_exporter(self._exporter) self._memory.update(update) class ParallelExecutor(AbstractExecutor): """The `ParallelExecutor` makes everything faster, by burning your CPU to a new heat level. **Options:** :PaE.kind: select "thread" or "process" (uses threading or multiprocessing library) :PaE.cores: select maximal parallel threads. """ def run(self): """ :return: """ kind = self.options.get('PaE.cores', 'thread') if kind == 'thread': from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool as Pool elif kind == 'process': from multiprocessing import Pool else: log.fatal('You selected an unknown threading method: %s. Only "thread" or "process" are supported' % kind) return self._memory import multiprocessing max_threads = self.options.get('PaE.cores', multiprocessing.cpu_count()) pool = Pool(max_threads) buckets = self._prepare() for b in buckets: updates =, b) for update in updates: self._memory.update(update) def execute_node(self, b): for node in b: if isinstance(node, Task): return ExecutorsHelper.execute_operator_task(self._memory, node) elif isinstance(node, MSMLVariable): return ExecutorsHelper.execute_variable(self._memory, node) elif isinstance(node, Exporter): ExecutorsHelper.render_exporter(self, node) ExecutorsHelper.execute_exporter(node)
[docs]def build_graph(tasks, exporter, variables): """build the direct acyclic graph from the given arguments. :param list[Task] tasks: a list of :py:class:`msml.model.Task` :param Exporter exporter: the :py:class:`msml.exporter.Exporter` to be weaved int :param list[MSMLVariable] variables: :py:class:`MSMLVariable` :returns: a DAG for the execution :rtype: :py:class:`msml.model.DiGraph` .. warning:: The graph building does not validate the dependencies or anything else. You have to do this before or after you used the function. E.g. :py:method:`msml.model.MSMLFile.validate` """ dag = DiGraph() nodes = dict(tasks) nodes.update(variables) for t in nodes.values(): dag.add_node(t) dag.add_node(exporter) for t in tasks.values(): for ta in t.arguments.values(): dag.add_edge(ta.linked_from.task, ta.linked_to.task, ref=ta) for ta in exporter.arguments.values(): dag.add_edge(ta.linked_from.task, ta.linked_to.task, ref=ta) return dag
class ExecutorsHelper(object): """static methods needed by some executors """ @staticmethod def render_exporter(executor, exporter): assert isinstance(exporter, Exporter) assert isinstance(executor, Executor) exporter.init_exec(executor) exporter.render() return dict() @staticmethod def execute_exporter(exporter): """You need to ensure, that `_render_exporter` is called, before this method. :param exporter: :return: """ assert isinstance(exporter, Exporter) return exporter.execute() @staticmethod def execute_variable(memory, variable, overwrite=False): assert isinstance(memory, Memory) if ( not in memory) or overwrite: return { variable.value} @staticmethod def execute_operator_task(memory, task): kwargs = ExecutorsHelper.gather_arguments(memory, task) ExecutorsHelper.inject_target_filename(task, kwargs)'Executing operator of task %s with arguments %r', task, kwargs) result = task.operator(**kwargs)'--Executing operator of task %s done', return { result} # if in memory and isinstance(memory[], dict): # # converter case, only update the change values # self._memory[].update(result) # else: # # set the values into memory # self._memory[] = result @staticmethod def execute_operator_task_if_needed(checker, memory, task): assert isinstance(checker, ReRunCheck) kwargs = ExecutorsHelper.gather_arguments(memory, task) ExecutorsHelper.inject_target_filename(task, kwargs) # quick shortcut for converter tasks if"converter_task_"): result = task.operator(**kwargs) else: input_files = [kwargs[ifile] for ifile in task.operator.input_names()] try: output_files = task.operator.get_targets()[0] output_files = kwargs[output_files] except: output_files = None if checker.check(, input_files, kwargs, output_files):'Omitting execution of operator %s', result = checker.get_last_result( else:'Executing operator of task %s with arguments %r', task, kwargs) result = task.operator(**kwargs) checker.set_last_result(, result)'--Executing operator of task %s done', return { result} # if in memory and isinstance(memory[], dict): # # converter case, only update the change values # self._memory[].update(result) # else: # # set the values into memory # self._memory[] = result @staticmethod def inject_target_filename(task, kwargs): targets = task.operator.get_targets() outputs = task.operator.output_names() for t,o in zip(targets, outputs): if t not in kwargs: physical = task.operator.output[o].sort.physical suffix = physical.__name__.lower() kwargs[t] = "{task_id}_{name}.{sfx}".format(, name=o, sfx=suffix)"Output target generated of %s" % kwargs[t]) @staticmethod def gather_arguments(memory, task): """ Finds and collect all needed input and parameters variables from the current memory. """ arguments = task.arguments vals = {} for ref in arguments.values(): outname = inname = if isinstance(ref.linked_from.task, MSMLVariable): outid = vals[inname] = memory[outid] else: outid = vals[inname] = memory[outid][outname] return vals __EXECUTERS = { 'parallel': ParallelExecutor, 'sequential': LinearSequenceExecutor, 'phase': PhaseExecutor, } def get_known_executors(): return __EXECUTERS.keys() def get_executor(name): return __EXECUTERS[name]
[docs]def inject_implict_conversion(dag): """Finds type mismatches on edges and injects suitable conversion operators .. warning:: This function works and changes the given `dag`. :param dag: a directed acyclic graph from :py:func:`` :type dag: :py:class:`msml.model.DiGraph` :return: the modified graph :rtype: msml.model.DiGraph """ for a, b, data in dag.edges(data=True): ref = data['ref'] if not ref.valid:"Reference %s is invalid. Try to implicit conversion" % ref) task = create_conversion_task(ref.linked_from, ref.linked_to) # add new task dag.add_node(task) # remove the old edge dag.remove_edge(a, b) # from Task to Converter _a_t = Reference(ref.task, ref.slot) _a_t.linked_from = ref.linked_from _a_t.link_to_task(task, task.operator.input['i']) _t_b = Reference(ref.task, ref.slot) _t_b.linked_to = ref.linked_to _t_b.link_from_task(task, task.operator.output['o']) # override converted value # _t_b.link_from_task(task, task.operator.output[task.operator.output.keys()[0]]) task.arguments['i'] = _a_t b.arguments[] = _t_b dag.add_edge(a, task, ref=_a_t) dag.add_edge(task, b, ref=_t_b) else: log.debug("Reference %s is valid" % ref) return dag
[docs]def get_python_conversion_operator(slotA, slotB): """creates an :py:class:`msml.model.PythonOperator` for conversion from sort of `slotA` to sort of `slotB` :param slotA: slot on the outgoing side :type slotA: msml.model.Reference.Ref :param slotB: slot on the incoming side :type slotB: msml.model.Reference.Ref :returns: an callable conversion operator or none if types incompatible :rtype: msml.model.PythonOperator .. seealso:: :py:class:`msml.sorts.ConversionNetwork` """ r = {'function': '<automatic-converter>', 'module': '<module-name>'} pA = slotA.arginfo.sort.physical lA = slotA.arginfo.sort.logical pB = slotB.arginfo.sort.physical lB = slotB.arginfo.sort.logical pyop = PythonOperator( "converter_%s_%s" % (pA.__name__, pB.__name__), input=[Slot("i", pA, lA)], output=[Slot('o', pB, lB)], runtime=r) return pyop
[docs]def create_conversion_task(slotA, slotB): """creates a task (instance of operator) for the requested conversion. :param slotA: :type slotA: Reference.Ref :param slotB: :type slotB: Reference.Ref :return: a task, ready for embedding into the build graph :rtype: msml.model.Task """ fn = conversion(slotA.arginfo.sort, slotB.arginfo.sort) if fn is None: raise MSMLError("Could not find an automatic Converter for %s to %s" % (slotA, slotB)) pyop = get_python_conversion_operator(slotA, slotB) pyop._function = fn # the new task override the old one memory values attrib = {'id': generate_task_id(), 'i': None} task = Task(, attrib) task.operator = pyop return task
[docs]class DefaultGraphBuilder(object): """ Builds the DAG for the given msmlfile and exporter Args: msmlfile (MSMLFile) exporter (Exporter) """ def __init__(self, msmlfile, exporter): """ :type msmlfile: msml.model.base.MSMLFile """ assert isinstance(msmlfile, MSMLFile) self.mfile = msmlfile assert isinstance(exporter, Exporter) self.exporter = exporter self._dag = None @property def dag(self): if not self._dag: self._dag = inject_implict_conversion( build_graph(self.mfile.workflow._tasks, self.exporter, self.mfile.variables)) return self._dag
def contains(a, b): if isinstance(b, type): b = b.__name__ elif not isinstance(b, (str, unicode)): b = str(b) try: return b.index(a) >= 0 except ValueError: return False
[docs]def initialize_file_literals(first_bucket): """ """ def var_is_file(var): if isinstance(var, MSMLVariable): return issubclass(var.sort.physical, msml.sortdef.InFile) # return contains("file", var.logical_type) or contains("file", var.physical_type) return False def abs_value(var): import os.path var.value = os.path.abspath(var.value) return var return map(abs_value, filter(var_is_file, first_bucket))