Source code for msml.sorts

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# region gplv3preamble
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow
# MSML has been developed in the framework of 'SFB TRR 125 Cognition-Guided Surgery'
# If you use this software in academic work, please cite the paper:
# S. Suwelack, M. Stoll, S. Schalck, N.Schoch, R. Dillmann, R. Bendl, V. Heuveline and S. Speidel,
# The Medical Simulation Markup Language (MSML) - Simplifying the biomechanical modeling workflow,
# Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR) 2014
# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 see Authors.txt
# If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Sorts logic.

Factory and Cache for Sorts in MSML.

Currently there are two disjoint sorts hierarchies.

1. format
2. type

`format` describes the kind of storage (e.g. file format)
`type` is the definition of the ground data type (e.g. vector of ints)
## example + file.vtk

result in: file_vtk__vector_int as subtype of file and vector

sortsdef => name of a sort, characterize by multiple path, seperated with »+«
path     => name/path in the class hierarchy, each class is seperated with ».«

# __all__ = ["__author__", "__date__", "SortsDefinition", "get_sort", "default_sorts_definition"]

from msml.sortdef import *
from . import log
from .exceptions import MSMLException

__author__ = "Alexander Weigl"
__date__ = "2014-01-25, 2014-02-23"

[docs]class MSMLMissingConversionException(MSMLException): pass
[docs]class SortsDefinition(object): def __init__(self, default_sorts=True): self.logical_cache = {} self.physical_cache = {} self.sort_cache = {} if default_sorts: self._bulk_sorts_load(DEFAULTS_SORTS)
[docs] def get_sort(self, physical, logical=None): pythontypes = {str: MSMLString, int: MSMLInt, float: MSMLFloat} if physical in pythontypes: physical = pythontypes[physical] if type(physical) is str: physical = self._find_physical(physical) if logical and type(logical) is str: logical = self._find_logical(logical) try: return self.sort_cache[physical, logical] except: s = Sort(physical, logical) self.sort_cache[physical, logical] = s return s
def _find_logical(self, typestr): try: return self.logical_cache[typestr] except KeyError as e: log.warn("_logical type %s requested, but does not exist" % typestr) return None def _find_physical(self, fmtstr): try: return self.physical_cache[fmtstr] except KeyError as e: s = "physical type %s requested, but does not exist" % fmtstr log.error(s) raise BaseException(s)
[docs] def register_logical(self, clazz, name=None): if not name: name = clazz.__name__ self.logical_cache[name] = clazz return clazz
[docs] def register_physical(self, clazz, name=None): if not name: name = clazz.__name__ self.physical_cache[name] = clazz return clazz
[docs] def register_type_with_name(self, name): def fn(clazz): return self.register_type(clazz, name) return fn
def _bulk_sorts_load(self, defs): temp = (('_logical', self.register_logical), ('physical', self.register_physical)) for tp, register in temp: for d in defs[tp]: if isinstance(d, (tuple, list)): clazz = d[0] names = d[1:] else: clazz = d names = tuple() if len(names) == 0: names = (clazz.__name__,) for n in names: register(clazz, n)
DEFAULTS_SORTS = { '_logical': [ (MSMLLTop, "top", "object", "*"), Index, IndexSet, NodeSet, FaceSet, ElementSet, Mesh, VolumeMesh, TetrahedralVolume, HexahedralVolume, QuadraticTetrahedral, SurfaceMesh, TriangularSurface, SquareSurface, QuadraticTriangularSurface, Image3D, Image2D, SegmentationImage3D, VectorImage3D, Scalar, Indices, VonMisesStress, Vector, Force, Velocity, Tensor, Stress, Displacement, Position, ], 'physical': [ (InFile, 'file'), (MSMLString, "str", "string", "s"), (MSMLFloat, "float"), (MSMLInt, "int"), (bool, "bool"), (MSMLUInt, "uint"), (MSMLListF, "ListF", "vector.float"), (MSMLListUI, "ListUI", "vector.uint"), (MSMLListI, "ListI", ""), (VTK, "VTK", "vtk", "file.vtk"), (VTU, "VTU", "vtu", "file.vtu"), (VTI, "VTI", "vti", "file.vti"), (VTP, "VTP", "vtp", "file.vtp"), # TODO: add Hiflow3-InputFormat inp (including material IDs). DICOM, HDF5, (STL, "STL", "stl"), PNG, ctx, vdx, (TXT, 'TXT', 'txt'), (InFile, 'NRRD', 'nrrd'), # TODO (GenericMesh, 'mesh'), ], } DEFAULT_SORTS_DEFINITION = SortsDefinition()
[docs]def default_sorts_definition(): "return default sorts definition" return DEFAULT_SORTS_DEFINITION
[docs]def get_sort(t, f=None): """ returns the type object for the given sort definition """ return default_sorts_definition().get_sort(t, f)
[docs]def is_sort(x): return isinstance(x, type) or isinstance(x, Sort) # ##################################################################################### # conversion # # # #
import networkx def _ptype(o): return o if isinstance(o, type) else o.physical
[docs]class ConversionNetwork(networkx.DiGraph):
[docs] def register_conversion(self, a, b, fn, precedence): assert is_sort(a) or isinstance(a, type) assert is_sort(b) or isinstance(b, type) assert callable(fn) a, b = _ptype(a), _ptype(b) self.add_node(a) self.add_node(b) self.add_edge(a, b, fn=fn, precedence=precedence)
[docs] def converter(self, a, b): """returns a function that converts elements of type `a` to element with type `b`. """ def c(n1, n2): data = self.get_edge_data(n1, n2) return data['fn'] import inspect, itertools from_type = _ptype(a) to_type = _ptype(b) mro = inspect.getmro(from_type) # inherited from resolve_order = [from_type] + list(mro) for start in resolve_order: try: (length, paths) = networkx.single_source_dijkstra(self, start, to_type, 'precedence') if to_type not in length: continue # not found a valid path, try super class path = paths[to_type] edges = zip(path[:-1], path[1:]) converters = list(itertools.starmap(c, edges)) def fn(val): return reduce(lambda val, convert: convert(val), converters, val) return fn except KeyError as e: # : Unknown node pass raise MSMLMissingConversionException("Could not find a conversion for %s -> %s" % (from_type, to_type))
[docs]def default_conversion_network(): return DEFAULT_CONVERSION_NETWORK
register_conversion = DEFAULT_CONVERSION_NETWORK.register_conversion conversion = DEFAULT_CONVERSION_NETWORK.converter # ####################################################################################################################### # # Default Conversions! # def _bool(s): if isinstance(s, bool): return s if s is None: return False if isinstance(s, str): return s.lower() in ('True', 'TRUE', 'true', 'on', 'yes') return bool(s) def _list_of_type(s, t): """Convert an input `s` into a list of `t` :param s: string, list or tuple :param t: type of elements :type s: str :type t: type :return: :rtype: list[t] """ if isinstance(s, str): s = map(lambda x: x.strip(), filter(lambda x: x != "", s.split(" "))) return map(t, s) def _list_float(s): return _list_of_type(s, MSMLFloat) def _list_integer(s): return _list_of_type(s, lambda x: MSMLInt(float(x))) def _list_uinteger(s): return _list_of_type(s, lambda x: MSMLUInt(float(x))) def _single_float_list(f): return list([f]) def _single_int_list(i): return list([i]) register_conversion(float, get_sort('vector.float'), _single_float_list, 100) register_conversion(float, int, int, 100) register_conversion(get_sort('float'), get_sort('int'), int, 100) register_conversion(get_sort('int'), get_sort('str'), str, 100) register_conversion(get_sort('int'), get_sort('str'), str, 100) register_conversion(get_sort('vector.float'), get_sort(''), _list_integer, 100) register_conversion(get_sort(''), get_sort('vector.float'), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(int, get_sort(''), _single_int_list, 100) register_conversion(list, get_sort('vector.float'), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(list, get_sort(''), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("STL"), STL, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("VTK"), VTK, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("bool"), _bool, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("ctx"), ctx, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("float"), float, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("int"), int, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("str"), MSMLString, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort("vdx"), vdx, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort('VTI'), VTI, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort('vector.float'), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort(''), _list_integer, 100) register_conversion(tuple, get_sort('vector.float'), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(tuple, get_sort(''), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort("STL"), STL, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort("VTK"), VTK, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort("bool"), _bool, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort("float"), float, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort("int"), int, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort("str"), MSMLString, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort('VTI'), VTI, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort('vector.float'), _list_float, 100) register_conversion(unicode, get_sort(''), _list_integer, 100) register_conversion(type(None), bool, _bool, 100) register_conversion(str, PNG, PNG, 100) register_conversion(str, get_sort('NRRD'), InFile, 100) register_conversion(str, TXT, InFile, 100) # register_conversion(VTK, MSMLString, lambda x: MSMLString(x.filename + ";" + x.partname), 100) try: from msml.ext.converters_python import vtk_mesh2generic_mesh register_conversion(VTK, get_sort('mesh'), vtk_mesh2generic_mesh, 100) except: log.error("No Conversion VTK to GenericMesh avaible. Abaqus may not useable") try: from msml.ext.misc import ConvertVTKToVTU import os.path def convert_vtk_to_vtu(vtk): """Convert VTK to VTU file format. :param vtk: :type vtk: VTK :return: :rtype: VTU """ name = "%s_auto_converted.vtu" % vtk ConvertVTKToVTU(vtk, name) return VTU(name) register_conversion(VTK, VTU, convert_vtk_to_vtu, 100) except: log.error("No Conversion VTK to VTU avaaible. Hiflow3 may not useable")